Battle for the Barriers

Battle for the Barriers

Sea Level Rise & Eastern US
(35 minutes)
Cultural program for Classroom, Community & Festival Release
Color and Widescreen

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Battle for the BarriersCompounded by sea level rise and stronger and more frequent storms, lives and infrastructure in coastal communities are increasingly at risk for flooding and wind driven destruction from events like super storm Sandy. Battle for the Barriers explores adaptation strategies and projects in coastal states along the Eastern US seaboard designed to help safeguard the people, wildlife and properties in these storm and flood prone areas. In the absence of Federal policy to address climate change, state-based organizations, both public and private, seek to protect beaches, dunes and wetlands--the first line of defense along the coastlines and inland waterways in harm's way. As solutions are hopefully developed to reduce our carbon footprint, protecting these natural barriers is critical to preventing new catastrophic loss from storm events and encroaching sea level rise. It is a battle further complicated by ongoing development fueled by the promise of Federal subsidy in the event of disaster.

| 954 Justison Street | Wilmington, DE 19801| Contact: 302.429.0303 | | See 400+ stories at |